Showing posts with label Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

Support Needed for Fair Housing Bill HB1239 in the Current Maryland Session!


The Fair Housing and Housing Discrimination - Regulations, Intent, and Discriminatory Effect Bill is sponsored by Delegates Deni Taveras (D-47B), Mary A. Lehman (D-21), Joe Vogel (D-17), Nick Allen (D-8), Julian Ivey (D-47A), Joseline A. Peña-Melnyk (D-21), and Jamila J. Woods (D-26). Go to to read the Official Document.

The bill was originally assigned to the House Environment and Transportation Committee. Its effective date would be October 1, 2025. It currently is in the House of Delegates, and a House Environment and Transportation Committee hearing about the bill is scheduled for February 28th at 1:00 p.m.

HB1239 authorizes the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development to adopt certain regulations related to affirmatively furthering fair housing; providing that certain discriminatory housing practices may be committed without intent; prohibiting a person from acting in a certain manner that has a discriminatory effect against a person related to the sale or rental of a dwelling; and providing that certain conduct does not constitute a certain violation.

This bill enhances fair housing protections in the state of Maryland by expanding the Department of Housing and Community Development's responsibilities and clarifying housing discrimination regulations. The bill requires the Department to administer housing programs in a way that "affirmatively furthers fair housing" and to collaborate with nonprofit and governmental entities committed to fair housing goals. Most importantly, the legislation introduces a new legal standard that allows claims of housing discrimination to be proven even without demonstrating intentional discrimination, meaning that practices with a discriminatory effect can be challenged regardless of the actor's intent. This statement refers to the legal concept of "disparate impact" in housing discrimination.

Disparate impact theory is a key legal principle in fair housing enforcement, ensuring  that policies or practices that disproportionately harm protected groups - regardless of intent - can be challenged under the law. Unlike cases of overt discrimination, disparate impact cases address systemic inequities that come from seemingly neutral policies. This doctrine is crucial for addressing racial disparities in housing, zoning laws that disproportionately exclude certain populations, and lending practices that result in unequal mortgage approvals. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the use of disparate impact claims in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project (2015), affirming that policies with discriminatory effects can violate the Fair Housing Act, even in the absence of intentional discrimination. California, New York, and Illinois have state-level disparate impact protections similar to what this bill proposes.

The bill specifically prohibits various discriminatory practices in housing, such as refusing to rent or sell, making discriminatory statements, or providing unequal services based on characteristics like race, color, religion, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, source of income, or military status. 

The bill also provides a defense for actions that meet three conditions: the action was without discriminatory intent, was justified by legitimate business necessity, and could not have been accomplished through less discriminatory means. 

The legislation empowers aggrieved persons to file civil actions and allows for remedies including damages and injunctive relief, with the Attorney General granted broad investigative and prosecutorial powers to address civil rights violations in housing.

Read the BillTrack50 summary.

Read the proposed bill.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Publishes Just Communities Baseline Report

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (MDHCD) has just published a baseline report from its Division of Just Communities. The report is the first formal publication of the new division. The report contains the mission and vision of the Division, information on racial disparities in Maryland housing and neighborhood conditions, and the current and ongoing work of the Department to address inequities.

The Just Communities baseline report:

  • Defines the new Division’s scope to both internal and external stakeholders;
  • Demonstrates the Division’s strong understanding of Maryland housing policy’s historic wrongs;
  • Celebrates ongoing initiatives that can advance racial equity; and
  • Introduces the Department’s Just Communities measurement strategy.

To read the full baseline report, click here.

The Department’s Division of Just Communities was created in 2023 to prioritize resources in areas with historical disinvestment to address the wrongs of the past. The Division is working to build and strengthen partnerships in communities with economic and housing trends that indicate a need for reinvestment.

Under the leadership of Assistant Secretary Cat Goughnour, the Division represents a new and focused effort by MDHCD and the State of Maryland to help reverse decades of exclusionary policies, opening pathways to opportunity in minoritized communities that have been previously denied them, and ensuring that no Marylander is left behind.

The Division will assist in the implementation of the Just Communities Act, which was signed into law by Governor Wes Moore during the 2024 Legislative Session. Effective July 1, 2024, this Act authorizes the governor, on recommendation by the DHCD Secretary, to designate areas as Just Communities based on specific criteria including a history of redlining, exclusionary zoning, high imprisonment rates, and unequal exposure to environmental or health hazards.

The Just Communities Act is part of MDHCD’s Turning the Key campaign, designed to raise awareness of the state’s efforts to address the housing unit shortage and unlock Maryland’s potential during the 2024 Legislative Session. The campaign encourages Marylanders to be part of the solution and communicates information on the implementation of new laws, including the Just Communities Act. 

To subscribe for updates about the Division of Just Communities, go to

For more information about the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development’s Division of Just Communities, visit

Read the November 26, 2024 MDHCD release.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

On October 26th, Maryland Begins Property Appraisal & Evaluation Equity Investigation


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PUBLIC NOTICE: Task Force On Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity to Hold Public Meeting

NEW CARROLLTON, MD (October 24, 2023) – As mandated by the passage of HB1097 in 2022, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is establishing the Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity. The Task Force will:

  • Beginning October 26, 2023, meet monthly through June of 2024
  • Address the persistent misvaluation and undervaluation of property owned by minorities by:
    • studying strategies and actions that will: 
      • help ensure that governmental oversight and industry standards and practices further valuation equity; 
      • increase training of appraisers to combat valuation bias; 
      • remove barriers to entry into the appraisal profession by minorities; 
      • assist in the development of a model for a meaningful reconsideration of value process; and 
      • reduce or eliminate bias related to automated valuation models and alternative property valuation methods; and 
    • identifying legislative or other policy recommendations that will provide a comprehensive and coordinated approach for reducing bias in valuations, through enforcement, compliance, or other methods
  • Report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly.

DHCD will hold the first Task Force meeting on October 26, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.  This meeting is virtual, and the public can watch live at the link or join through the phone number listed below. 

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 352-453-0792‬ PIN: ‪243 551 371‬#