Showing posts with label HUD-funded housing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HUD-funded housing. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

PRRAC Advocates Fairer Screening Rules for HUD-Assisted Housing

On June 10, 2024, the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) submitted comments in support of HUD’s proposed rule to eliminate discriminatory uses of criminal records in screening tenants for admission to HUD-funded housing (89 Fed. Reg. 25332). PRRAC is a civil rights policy organization dedicated to the cause of fair housing, and the urgent need to address the continuing segregation of many low-income families of color in high poverty, low opportunity neighborhoods, a condition that is perpetuated by housing, land use, transportation, and education policies at every level of government.

PRRAC's comments included strong support for the elimination of the long-standing (and illegal) practice of re-screening voucher tenants who move from one public housing authority's "area of operation" to another PHA’s town. PRRAC also stressed the relationship of government-sponsored segregation and disproportionate policing and arrests in predominantly Black and Latino communities as a relevant fair housing consideration in HUD’s reassessment of the use of criminal records. 

A few weeks after HUD issued the proposed rule, HUD's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity also issued helpful general guidance on fair housing impacts of some common, but often discriminatory, tenant screening practices.

The PRRAC also recently released an update of its "State, Local, and Federal Laws Barring Source-of-Income Discrimination (originally published as Appendix B to Expanding Choice: Practical Strategies for Building a Successful Housing Mobility Program, 2013), June 2024. According to the Center for Policy Alternatives’ calculations, at the time the original report was released, source of income discrimination laws protected 34% of voucher holders in the nation. With the addition of seven states since December, 2018 (New York, California, Colorado, Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia, and Illinois) and a number of new municipalities, the PRRAC now estimates that over 57% of voucher holders are now covered.

Read the PRRAC Source of Income Laws Report