Maryland Equity & Leadership Training Program
Info about Fair Housing in Maryland - including housing discrimination, hate crimes, affordable housing, disabilities, segregation, mortgage lending, & others. 443.347.3701.
Free Civil Rights & Employment Training:
Preparing for the HUD Housing Counseling Exam can be daunting when tackling it on your own. Research shows that working together in a collaborative environment allows individuals to learn the material better than when working alone. Join other housing counselors in this virtual experience where peer discussion, exploration of the six core topics on the exam, and interactive activities will stimulate all learning styles. [Register here]
Remaking the Economy: Tenant Organizing In Unexpected Places
Spurred in part by COVID and by a growing housing affordability crisis, tenant organizing is picking up in not just expected places like New York, but in mid-sized cities like Austin and Baltimore, and even smaller cities like Louisville, Kentucky, and Portland, Maine. In this 90-minute webinar, cosponsored and co-moderated by NPQ and Shelterforce, tenant activists will share their stories, both in direct organizing and policy advocacy. [Register here]
New American Leadership InstituteMIMA Opportunity: NALI | |||||||||||||||
Fair Housing Training May 22-June 23
Too many renters still face discrimination - often without knowing it. Renters have rights! Economic Action Maryland is offering free, online training to educate tenants about their fair housing rights, and what to do if they have faced discrimination.
Check out the schedule below. Can’t make it at that time? A recording of the training will be available to all training registrants:
Know Your Rights: Fair Housing 101 - This workshop reviews the basics of Fair Housing laws, including the protected classes in Maryland, examples of housing discrimination, and what to do if you think you’ve experienced illegal housing discrimination. Offered twice! Friday May 26, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and Friday June 9, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Know Your Rights: Disability and Housing - As many as 20% of all Marylanders have a disability. The Fair Housing Act not only protects people with disabilities from housing discrimination, it also affords them additional housing rights. Learn about your right to accommodations and modifications, how to advocate for yourself, and what to do if your housing provider denies your request. Offered twice! Friday June 2, 10:00a - 11:00 a.m. and Friday June 16, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Know Your Rights: HOME Act - In 2020, Maryland expanded its fair housing laws by passing the HOME Act, which adds "source of income" as a protected class. This extends fair housing rights to people with government assistance like section 8 vouchers and eviction prevention funds, as well as others with non-wage income. Learn about your newest fair housing rights and how to report discrimination. Friday June 23, 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m.
P.S. If you aren’t already a member, we would love to have you join! Members give us power and strength. You can join as an individual or organizational member. If you can’t join as a member, consider a one-time or sustaining donation. We’re up against highly paid Annapolis lobbyists and your support enables us to be in Annapolis and win these fights for economic rights.
Support Economic Justice
2209 Maryland Ave | Baltimore, Maryland 21218
(410) 220-0494 |
Free Cannabis Related Civil Rights Workshop
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