On April 6, 2023, HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) will host a virtual PD&R Quarterly Update on Housing First, a service model that addresses homelessness by quickly getting individuals and households experiencing homelessness into housing without any preconditions or barriers. Opening remarks will be provided by Jeff Olivet from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness. After a housing market update from PD&R’s Kevin Kane and a data spotlight segment from PD&R’s Veronica Helms Garrison, the event will feature two panel discussions. The first panel will highlight Housing First activities in Richmond, New Orleans, Houston, and Mississippi, and the second panel will do a deeper dive into the work being done in Seattle, Washington. Opening Remarks - Jeff Olivet, Executive Director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
Update on U.S. Housing Market Conditions - Kevin Kane, Chief Housing Market Analyst, Economic Market Analysis Division, PD&R/HUD
Data Spotlight - Veronica Helms Garrison, Analyst, PD&R/HUD
Panel: Communities in Action - Moderator: Norm Suchar, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs at HUD
- Kelly King Horne (she/her), Executive Director, Homeward
- Martha J. Kegel, Executive Director, UNITY of Greater New Orleans
- Ana Rausch, Vice President of Program Operations, Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County
- Mary Simons, Executive Director and CEO, Open Doors Homeless Coalition
Panel: Housing First in Seattle Panel - Moderator: Margaret Salazar, HUD Regional Administrator, Region 10
- David Canavan, Owner, Canavan Associates
- Marc Dones (they/them), CEO, King County Regional Homelessness Authority
- Felicia Salcedo (she/her), Executive Director, We Are In
We hope you can join PD&R for this discussion on Housing First. We also invite you to participate in the event via social media by following @HUDUSERnews. We’ll be tagging our updates with #PDRUpdate. 