Tuesday, December 6, 2022

 Opportunity to Comment  on Maryland's Transit Funding Recommendations


Baltimore Regional Transit Governance and Funding Workgroup DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONSDecember 2022


BMC's Transit Governance and Funding Workgroup is seeking comments through Friday, December 23 on a draft set of recommendations for the future of transit in the Baltimore region.

BMC's Board of Directors established the Transit Governance and Funding Workgroup in July 2022 with the objective of preparing recommendations regarding the management of transit in the Baltimore region.

The workgroup has reviewed options detailed in a 2021 Baltimore Regional Transit Governance and Funding Study and is preparing a formal recommendation to the BMC Board of Directors, Maryland General Assembly and Governor. Additionally, the workgroup reviewed funding associated with the Locally Operated Transit Systems (LOTS) program, seeking to increase equity and transparency in the distribution of those funds.

After the first meeting in September, the workgroup convened monthly to discuss and build consensus around a set of recommendations. These meetings have included opportunities for public comment virtually and in-person. Now, members of the public are welcome to comment on these draft recommendations by December 23. A final report will be released in January.

See the full recommndations at publicinput.com/transitworkgroup


Transportation Issues in Historic Town Centers

Baltimore Metropolitan Council, on behalf of the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, Howard County and Baltimore County, is conducting a multimodal transportation study for Ellicott City in Howard County and Oella in Baltimore County to address parking, wayfinding, and multimodal access.

You're invited to help shape the future of transportation in historic Ellicott City and Oella on Thursday, December 8 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Roger Carter Center (3000 Milltowne Dr. Ellicott City, MD 21043) for a public meeting on the Transportation in Historic Town Centers project. 

As part of the process to develop this study, the project team has developed an existing conditions and analysis report and initial recommendations and they will have an open house format with lots of ways to share your comments.  

Learn more at publicinput.com/historictowncenters