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Providence, Rhode Island Considers Banning Landlords Who Refuse
Section 8 Vouchers. The proposal,
which is supported by the majority of the council and Mayor Jorge Elorza, would
outlaw landlords from refusing to rent property to those with any “lawful
source of income,” including all public assistance programs. Owner-occupied
properties with three units or less would be exempt. The ordinance would be
enforced by the Providence Human Relations Commission. The ordinance is modeled
after statewide legislation only approved by the Senate last year, but it has
been reintroduced in both chambers in 2019. At least 11 states and Washington,
D.C., have laws prohibiting income discrimination by landlords, as well as
dozens of municipalities. A 2019 report by Pawtucket-based South Coast Fair
Housing found renters with housing vouchers cannot rent 93% of units in Rhode
Island. Read
the March 21, 2019 WPRI.com article.
New Study Finds
that Residents of Historically Redlined
Neighborhoods are Over Twice as Likely to go to the Emergency Room (ER) for
Asthma. The research from the University of California, Berkeley, and the
University of California, San Francisco, found that disparities in housing
contribute to disparities in the morbidity of asthma. Residents of redlined
“high-risk” neighborhoods were 2.4 times more likely to go to the ER for asthma
than residents of “low-risk” areas in eight California cities. This supports
the 2018 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Center for
Environmental Assessment conclusion that people
of color are far more likely to breathe polluted air than whites. It
also has been found that majority-black neighborhoods are more likely to be
located near pollution sources. Read
the May 23, 2019 Citylab article.
Broad Coalition Strongly
Opposes Trump-appointed CFPB Director’s Plan to Gut Payday Loan Rule by Eliminating
Protections from 300%+ APR Payday Loan Debt Traps; House Oversight and Reform
subcommittee hearing held on the proposal. The letter submitted by the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL)
as part of a coalition of civil rights, consumer, and labor groups, to the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) condemned the plan to weaken the
2017 CFPB rule. The letter argues that the proposal does not consider the
consumer harm coming from these over 300% APR loans and is against the CFPB’s
mission. Read
the comment letter and its executive summary. The payday rule requires
a lender to check if a borrower can repay a loan before issuing it (an
“ability-to-repay” standard). See
a map showing the APR of a typical payday loan in those states without
strong interest rate caps. Relatedly, a US House Oversight and Reform
subcommittee held a hearing “CFPB’s
Role in Empowering Predatory Lenders: Examining the Proposed Repeal of the
Payday Lending Rule.” For more info, contact matthew.kravitz@responsiblelending.org. Read
the May 17, 2019 CRL press release.
New Report Discovers
that America's Most Polluting Incinerators Disproportionately Affect Low-Income
Neighborhoods and Communities of Color. The report from the Tishman Environment and Design Center at New York's New
School found that 1.6 million - disproportionately low-income and minority - live
near the US' 12 most polluting incinerators. Some 4.4 million Americans live
within three miles of an incinerator. According to the report, commissioned by
the GAIA (Global
Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives) and using EPA data, 79% of
all municipal solid waste incinerators are within three miles or less of
communities of color and low-income communities. The pollutant emissions produced
by these plants - mercury, lead, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrous
oxide, and carbon monoxide - are linked to many health problems like asthma,
cancer, and heart disease. These incinerators' locations in these
communities is not coincidental but results from structurally racist policies
such as segregation and expulsive zoning at federal, state, and local levels. Read
the May 21, 2019 London Guardian
article. Read
the May 21, 2019 Pacific Standard article.
HUD Secretary Ben
Carson Defends Plan to Evict Undocumented Immigrants: "It’s Not that We’re
Cruel, Mean-Hearted. It’s that We are Logical." He explained that it was logical that taxpaying American citizens should
first receive aid. The new plan would purge undocumented immigrants and their
US-born children from government-subsidized housing lists. Democrats on the US House
Financial Services Committee criticized the proposed rule. An internal agency analysis found it could put up to
55,000 children who are legal U.S. residents or citizens at risk of eviction
and homelessness, increase federal costs, and reduce the number of families
served, contrary to the administration’s
goal of moving more families off the long waiting lists for housing assistance.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), chairwoman of the House Financial Services
Committee, stated that she is “troubled by Secretary Carson’s recent cruel
proposal to terminate housing benefits for families with mixed immigration
status.” Read
the May 21, 2019 Washington Post article.
Pattern Reversed in Diversifying Neighborhoods: The Decline in Racially
Segregated Neighborhoods Between 2000-2017 is being Caused by Whites Moving
into Minority Areas. Data indicates that predominantly minority
neighborhoods near downtown are growing whiter, while largely white suburban
neighborhoods are getting a larger share of blacks, Hispanics, and
Asian-Americans. Apparently, revived downtowns have attracted new white residents
with twice as high incomes as the current residents, and those getting
mortgages have incomes two to three times higher. Minority borrowers in suburban
areas have incomes similar to the white median and get mortgages proportionately.
In 1980, 25% of the census tracts were over 97% non-Hispanic white, and
one-third of all whites lived in such a neighborhood. By 2017, only 5% of white
residents live in such a place, primarily in rural areas. This trend since
2000 reverses the historical pattern.
During 1980-2000, the country became more racially diverse because Hispanic, Asian-American,
and African-American families moved to areas that were mostly white. Influential
factors include the decline in crime, the demolishing of public housing
projects in favor of scatter-site and mixed income housing, and the
government's investment in center cities. Initially, working-class white
neighborhoods gentrified, and in the new millenium mostly African-American and
Hispanic neighborhoods are gentrifying - at least the ones in desired urban locations.
the April 27, 2019 New York Times
article. Read
the May 1, 2019 New York Times
analysis article.
Study by the
Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) Finds that “Immigrant
Integration” – New Immigrants Inclusion in American Society – is Endangered by
their Housing and School Segregation.
Read the report: Immigrant Integration and Immigrant Segregation: The
Relationship Between School and Housing Segregation and Immigrants’ Futures in
the U.S. It was found that there are various negatives for immigrants
resulting from segregated schools and residences: lower academic achievement,
lower diversity acceptance, difficulties in broadening perspectives, difficulty
in American cultural adaptation, etc. These are worsened by the level of
poverty often found there. Immigrants vary considerably regarding generation,
country of origin, English language ability, socioeconomic status, etc. The
report argues that immigrant school and residential segregation must be fought,
especially because immigrants are a large percentage of the population. Read
the April 2019 PRRAC report.
Leadership Conference on Civil
and Human Rights (LCCHR) Condemns Proposed Addition of US Census Question about
Citizenship. The LCCHR's statement,
in response to a recent
report on Republican partisan efforts to add a citizenship question,
read: “The Hofeller memo confirms what we’ve known all along but is
alarming nonetheless: the census citizenship question was motivated by blatant
right-wing partisanship. The Trump administration has lied to Congress and the
U.S. Supreme Court about why it added the citizenship question – voting rights
enforcement was but a ruse. Republican political operatives plainly want to
deny communities of color the health care, education, and other services they
need in order to consolidate GOP power and a whiter electorate. We call on
Congress to hold Trump administration officials – including Secretary Ross –
accountable now and not to wait until after the Supreme Court ruling to do so.
Our coalition continues to stand against the Trump administration’s efforts to
weaponize and politicize the census. A fair and accurate 2020 Census should
count everyone in this country – and our coalition will do everything we can to
ensure that it does.” Read
the May 30, 2019 LCCHR article.
in Diversity Act released in Congress. Lead sponsors Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and
Representative Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH-11) have proposed an innovative school
integration bill to fund local school integration planning efforts, including school
district cooperation to support two-way racial and economic school integration.
The Act would authorize federal funding to provide planning and implementation
grants to support voluntary local efforts to increase racial and socioeconomic
diversity. Grants could fund "studying segregation, evaluating current
policies, and developing evidence-based plans to address racial and
socioeconomic isolation; Establishing public school choice zones and revising
school boundaries; creating or expanding innovative school programs that can
attract students from outside the local area; and recruiting, hiring, and
training new teachers to support specialized schools;" among others. Many
civil rights and educational organizations have announced their support for the
proposal. Read the official press release here.
Center For Responsible Lending (CRL) Urges Action to Tackle Racial
Discrimination in the Nation’s Housing Finance System. The CRL testified at
the hearing of the US House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on
Housing, Community Development, and Insurance on May 8, 2019. Noting the huge
racial homeownership rate and racial wealth gaps, CRL urged equity in mortgage
lending, holding that all creditworthy borrowers should have access to safe and
affordable mortgage loans: “Our nation’s housing finance system was built with
discrimination as the cornerstone. The mortgage ecosystem favored whites and
set them up for success while curtailing equity of opportunity for families of
color. Today’s racial wealth gap is the outcome of this discrimination.” For more
info: vincenza.previte@responsiblelending.org.
An Animated "Segregation
by Design" Film has been released of The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How our
Government Segregated America (2017)
by Richard Rothstein. The excellent book showed how segregation has
resulted from explicit government policies at the local, state, and federal
levels. The 18-minute video is narrated by Rothstein and discusses the various
relevant issues in a creative, colorful way. Watch it at https://vimeo.com/328684375. Go to the video website.
Baltimore City has
Largest Population Decrease in One Year since 2001. The city lost 7,346 people,
or1.2% of its population, during year ending July 1, 2018, according to the US
Census. The estimated population is now 602,495. It is the fourth consecutive year
that the population has dropped, mainly was due to domestic migration of over
10,000 from the city to other cities and counties. International migration brought
nearly 2,000 new residents, including immigrants, students, and overseas
military personnel. The natural increase in population (the difference between
births and deaths) was1,037. Since 2010, Baltimore's population has declined over
18,500 or 3%. During 2017-2018, all regional counties gained population except Baltimore
County, which was level. Read the April 18, 2019 Baltimore Sun article.
Baltimore County on Track to Meet Goals of Affordable Housing Settlement.
As of three years since the legal settlement regarding housing discrimination
and segregation, the Couty has built or is building over 50% of the 1,000
affordable homes commitment. Some question if the County's housing is actually
being dispersed instead of in minority-concentrated areas. For example,
neighbors have opposed a 53-unit Enclave at Lyons Mill, proposed by Conifer
Realty and Episcopal Housing Corp. on Lyons Mill Road when two other affordable
housing projects are near. While the county has not subsidized the Enclave
project, the state awarded it $1.5 million in tax credits, with Maryland DHCD
saying it meets a separate fair housing settlement goal for the entire state. Neighbors
said their predominantly black community has more affordable housing than other
parts of the county. 190 people have participated in a “mobility counseling
program” to help voucher holders move to more prosperous neighborhoods. The county's
required goal is to help relocate 2,000 people over 10 years. Read
the April 25, 2019 Baltimore Sun article.
Multiple Complaints
of Racial Discrimination in Harford County. The Baltimore law firm representing a Maryland Legal
Aid attorney who just filed a discrimination complaint against
the Harford County Sheriff’s Office says it has received eight or nine
calls from people who say Harford is a place that’s “not as welcoming to people
of color” and complaining about general racial discrimination in
the County. The Maryland Legal Aid lawyer alleged a deputy
detained and questioned him suspecting he was his client impersonating an
attorney. Because the attorney and his client are African-American, the law
firm called the incident “lawyering while black.” The NAACP Harford County
branch's head said that there were
strained race relations in the predominately white county, where Black
residents are 14% of the population, and that she has received complaints about
similar incidents of racism about police
and in local schools. Read
the April 1, 2019 Atlanta Black Star
article. Read the June 1, 2019 Baltimore Sun
Baltimore Office of Civil Rights is Made Independent from City
Solicitor to Reduce Conflicts in Investigations of Police Misconduct. As a
result, the Civilian Review Board, an independent agency that reviews police
misconduct complaints, will no longer work under the city’s law office. Because
the city’s law office also represents officers in police misconduct cases, there
was the potential for conflict or an appearance of conflict. The civil rights
office - directed by Darnell E. Ingram - also includes the city’s Community
Relations Commission, Wage Commission, and the Mayor's Commission on
Disabilities. Read
the May 28, 2019 Baltimore Sun
The U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Has Charged The Owners and manager
of a Rental Home in Nampa, Idaho, with Violating the Fair Housing Act by Refusing
to Rent the Home to a Married Couple Because They Have Children. Read the
charge. The mother of seven had responded to a Craigslist ad, was told the property
was available, went with two of their
children to view the property, filled the rental application, paid the required
deposits, and then was told the owners had set a four-children limit for the
home. Read
the May 31, 2019 HUD press release.
HUD Announces Agreement between a Minneapolis Property Owner and a
Female Tenant Who Alleged the Landlord Solicited Sex from Her in Exchange for a
Rent Reduction. Read
the Voluntary Compliance/ Conciliation Agreement. The woman filed a
complaint with HUD that her landlord sexually harassed her while she was living
in one of his apartments. During numerous times, the landlord requested
sex from her in exchange for reducing the rent. Under the agreement, the
landlord will pay $30,000 to the woman, pay $7,000 to her attorney, and will contract
with a licensed, independent third-party real estate management company to
manage all of his residential properties for the next five years. Read
the May 23, 2019 HUD press release.
HUD Reaches
Agreement between the Puerto Rico Public Housing Authority (PRPHA) and
Residents of the Housing Authority that have Disabilities. Read the
Voluntary Compliance / Conciliation Agreement. The agreement resolves
allegations that the El Trèbol public housing development in San Juan was
inaccessible to persons with disabilities for over a year because of broken
elevators, PRPHA refused to accommodate residents with mobility impairments by
moving them to first floor units, and at least one senior was injured while
climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator. The case began when four
residents with disabilities filed complaints that PRPHA had refused to install
accessible toilets, fix inoperable elevators, etc. PRPHA will spend $884,640 to
repair broken elevators and install six new elevators, pay $23,760 to the four
residents who filed the complaint, and pay $32,400 to 16 other residents with
disabilities who were harmed by this. The PRPHA also will establish a new
educational technology center there, improve the playground, and create a
$20,000 Victim's Fund to compensate other non-identified disabled individuals. Read
the May 22, 2019 HUD press release.
HUD Charges
Mobile, Alabama Property Owner and Manager with Violating the Fair Housing Act by
Refusing to Accommodate the Special Needs of a Resident with Disabilities. Read
the charge. The case started when a tenant with a mobility disability filed
a complaint that the owners and property manager of Hunter's Pointe refused his
many requests to move to a first-floor unit, despite him showing medical documentation
of his need. HUD's charge also alleges that during the same period,the management rented first-floor units to
residents without disabilities.As a result, the tenant was forced to move to
another apartment complex. Read
the May 22, 2019 HUD press release.
HUD Reaches Agreement between a Alpine, CA Property Management Company and
a Family with a Child with a Respiratory Disability Resolving Allegations that the
Complex Refused to Grant the Mother's Request to Move Away from her Heavy-Smoking
Neighbors. Read
the agreement. This case began when a single mother of a child with respiratory
disabilities filed a HUD complaint that the property manager refused her
requests to move to another apartment because the smoke from the neighbors'
unit worsened her son's disability. Under the agreement, Property West
Residential, Inc., will pay the mother $5,000, forgive $5,560.47 that the
company says she owed, and have Meadow Woods at Alpine's property managers
attend fair housing training. Read
the April 23, 2019 HUD press release.
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) Reports that Over $3 Million has
been paid to over 2,100 who Experienced Disability
Discrimination while Traveling or Attempting to Travel on Greyhound. The
payments were part of a 2016 settlement resolving DOJ's complaint that
Greyhound Lines Inc., the largest national provider of intercity bus
transportation, had violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by not
providing full and equal transportation services to passengers with disabilities.
The violations included not maintaining accessibility features on its buses
such as lifts and securement devices; failing to provide passengers with
disabilities assistance boarding and exiting buses at rest stops; and failing
to allow customers traveling in wheelchairs to do their reservations
online. Under the settlement, Greyhound will pay a $75,000 civil penalty, hire
an ADA compliance manager, provide annual ADA training to employees and
contractors, provide technical training to all employees and contractors on the
accessibility features, and report regularly to the DOJ. Read the consent
decree and complaint: https://www.ada.gov/enforce_current.htm#grey. Read
the May 2, 2019 DOJ press release.
The HUD Cityscape journal's April Issue examines
Important Issues and Impacts of the Fair Housing Act 50 Years Later.
Articles included are: Endowments and Minority Homeownership,
Black-White and Hispanic Segregation
Magnitudes and Trends from the 2016 American Community Survey, The Potential of the Fair Housing Act’s
Affirmative Mandate and HUD’s AFFH Rule, Racially Concentrated Areas of Affluence: A
Preliminary Investigation, Are Location Affordability and Fair Housing
on a Collision Course? Race, Transportation Costs, and the Siting of Subsidized
Housing, Does Jobs Proximity Matter in the Housing
Choice Voucher Program?, and A Constant Quartile Mismatch Indicator of
Changing Rental Affordability in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 2000 to 2016.
Read the Cityscape issue.
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Housing? Community Development? Insurance? Foreclosure Prevention? Check Out the
GBCHRB's YouTube Channel! You can watch interviews about insurance,
discrimination, affordable housing, Fair Housing laws, disability issues,
mortgage lending, etc. Hear our radio shows: http://www.gbchrb.org/2radio.htm.
GBCHRB Distributes Free Fair Housing Brochures, Posters, and Guides. We
have Fair Housing information, brochures, guides, and posters in English,
Spanish, Korean, Russian, and for people with disabilities. We also distribute
brochures and guides about housing and insurance. 410.929.7640 or mailto:wkladky@gbchrb.org.
What Do You Think
of This Newsletter? Is it good? Bad? How can we improve it? What issues
should we cover more? Less? Any good ideas? Tips? Good jokes?! Positive or
negative, we want to hear from you! We appreciate constructive criticism! Send
comments to mailto:wkladky@gbchrb.org.
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That
Shapes What We See, Think, and Do by Jennifer L. Eberhardt.
Viking, 2019. 350 pages. $28.00 hardcover. Interesting book that discusses how
you don't have to be racist to be biased. She shows that unconscious bias can occur
without being realized and even when the person sincerely wants to treat all
people equally. These ingrained stereotypes affect visual perception,
attention, memory, and behavior. Showing that racial bias is at all levels
of society, she shows the subtle and sometimes dramatic daily repercussions of
implicit bias in, for example, how teachers grade students, managers deal with
customers, and in criminal justice. Included are practical suggestions for
reform and useful practices for organizations and individuals. Read
the April 26, 2019 New York Times article
about the book.
Moral Minorities and the Making of American Democracy by Kyle
G. Volk. Oxford University Press, 2017 Reprint Edition. 312 pages. $26.95
paperback. Informative history of how three groups worked against what they
considered unfair and unconstitutional laws: laws that outlawed commercial
activities on Sunday; alcohol's sale and consumption of alcohol; and the racial
integration of northern states' schools and public accommodations. They
did this by petitioning government agencies, seeking judicial review, building
coalitions with allies, and trying to change public opinion by appealing to
highest ideals. Included is a good debate about what are majority and minority
The Color of Money: Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap by Mehrsa
Baradaran. Belknap Press, 2019. 384 pages. $17.95 paperback. Interesting
historical analysis of the ways African Americans were locked out of financial
resources despite the government's support of "black capitalism" such
as black banks. The author, a law professor, argues that black communities cannot
really hope to accumulate wealth as long as the US remains a segregated
economy. She offers ideas and recommendations about how to close the racial
wealth gap.
How the Other
Half Banks: Exclusion, Exploitation, and the Threat to Democracy by Mehrsa
Baradaran. Harvard University Press, 2018. 336 pages. $19.95 paperback. "The
United States has two separate banking systems today―one serving the well-to-do
and another exploiting everyone else. How the Other Half Banks contributes
to the growing conversation on American inequality by highlighting one of its
prime causes: unequal credit. Baradaran examines how a significant portion of the
population, deserted by banks, is forced to wander through a Wild West of
payday lenders and check-cashing services to cover emergency expenses and pay
for necessities―all thanks to deregulation that began in the 1970s."
To be published on October
21, 2019:
Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined
Black Homeownership (Justice, Power, and Politics) by Keeanga-Yamahtta
Taylor. University of North Carolina Press. 368 pages. $30.00 hardcover.
History "of redlining and the introduction of conventional real estate
practices into the Black urban market, uncovering a transition from racist
exclusion to predatory inclusion." The author argues that in the urban
markets federal policy amounts to a "cynical extraction disguised as
investment." In the process, there are good analyses of the policy
changes, financial implications, and influences on African-Americans.
Damon J. Keith,
Judge and Civil Rights Icon, 96. Lately of the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit, Keith was a grandson of slaves and graduated from Howard
University School of Law, where he studied under NAACP Legal Defense and
Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) founder the Honorable Thurgood Marshall. Keith served
on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan during 1967-1977,
and on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit from 1977-1995. He wrote
important decisions regarding various issues affecting civil rights. He was "consistently
voicing his unyielding commitment to equality under the law and applying it to
voting rights, education equity, employment discrimination, sexual harassment,
immigrants’ rights." Keith also was an LDF Board Member from 1965 to 1972.
the April 28, 2019 NPR.com obituary. Read
the April 28, 2019 LDF article.
Morris Roseman. Psychologist and Civil Rights Advocate, 100. A
lifelong liberal, civil rights and political activist who was active in Democratic
politics, Dr. Roseman marched during the 1960s Washington Vietnam War protests
and volunteered with the ACLU, which gave him its 1994 Jack Levin Award for
outstanding volunteer service. As an associate professor in the University of
Maryland School of Denistry, he was a leader in the Department of Community
Dentistry's work to assist underprivileged students, mostly African Americans,
to enroll and succeed as graduates of the school as dentists. "I had a
major role in recruiting the students, monitoring their progress, supporting
their needs, and working with faculty to provide a welcoming environment,” Dr.
Roseman wrote. “Although the University of Maryland is the oldest dental school
in the world, it had not enrolled African American students until this program
was instituted.” In 1974, Dr. Roseman received the Maryland Psychological
Association’s Outstanding Psychologist award. He was a former member of the
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. Read
the March 29, 2019 Baltimore Sun