Just posted a new edition of Fair Housing E-News. Just a couple of the headlines:
PrimeLending Resolve Allegations of Lending Discrimination. Settlement Provides $2 Million to African-American Borrowers Who Paid Higher Interest Rates...between 2006 and 2009... http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2010/December/10-crt-1406.html
Census Finds Maryland's Minority Population Is Now 45% . The recently released 2010 decennial U. S. Census data showed Hispanics, African Americans and Asians are growing... HUD Proposes New Rule For Equal Housing Regardless Of Sexual Orientation Or Gender Identity. View the proposed rule. The rule would: (1) Prohibit lenders from using sexual orientation or gender identity to determine a borrower’s eligibility for FHA mortgage financing; (2) Clarify that all otherwise eligible families, regardless of marital status, sexual orientation...
HUD Conducting The First National Study Of Housing Discrimination Against LGBT Community. Every ten years, HUD does a study of the impact of housing discrimination on the basis of race and color. LGBT individuals and families...
Obama Administration, Treasury, & HUD Release February Housing Scorecard.
Census Finds Gay Parenting More Prevalent in the South. The data show, child rearing among same-sex couples is more common in the South than in any other region of the country, according... Read the January 19, 2011 Times article.
Census Finds Maryland's Minority Population Is Now 45%. The recently released 2010 decennial U. S. Census data showed Hispanics, African Americans and Asians are growing... Read the article.
New State-by-State Analysis of Food Hardship Shows One in Seven Respondents in Maryland Reported in First Half of 2010 Inability to Afford Enough Food...