Thursday, April 28, 2011

HUD Releases Worst Case Housing Needs of People with Disabilities

HUD just has released an update to its 2009 study, which has national estimates of the number of households that include people with disabilities who have worst case housing needs and their characteristics. It is a supplement to the Worst Case Housing Needs 2009: Report to Congress, released in February, 2011. The study is here.

The major findings of the study are:
  • In 2009, approximately 1 million households that included nonelderly people with disabilities had worst case needs - 38% of all very low-income renter households with disabilities.
  • Between 2007 and 2009, there was a 13% increase of worst case needs households that included people with disabilities.
  • Renter households including people with disabilities are more likely to have very low incomes, experience worst case needs, pay more than one-half of their income for rent, and have other housing problems (e.g., living in inadequate or overcrowded housing).
  • Nonelderly people with disabilities are more likely to be in renter households than among owner households, although most households that include nonelderly people with disabilities are owner occupied.